SAYMA 2021

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The Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association is composed of its constituent monthly meetings, preparative meetings, and worship groups. All members and attenders of these bodies have both the privilege and responsibility to participate in keeping the affairs of the yearly meeting in good order.

The yearly meeting exists to support its constituents as they seek in the manner of Friends to live out their lives according to God’s leadings. SAYMA Faith & Practice, p.25, 2012 revision

The Finance committee’s primary responsibility each year is creating and managing the annual budget. Between January and early March, Finance requests input from SAYMA committees, Monthly Meetings (MMs), and individuals in positions of responsibility within SAYMA. The committee then develops an annual budget taking this input into account. With the seasoning of Representatives meeting in March, as well as the input of all who come together at Yearly Meeting (YM) in June (both cancelled in 2020), the proposed budget is discussed, amended and approved. The annual budget has a fiscal year (FY) of October 1 – September 30.

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