Sounds of Silence

Brad Stocker inside a caldera of Irazu, a volcano in Costa Rica when the fog rolled in ahead of a front. He remembers it as one of the most silent moments he has ever experienced.

Brad Stocker, Quaker Earthcare Witness Steering Committee

Please join Columbia Friends and Brad Stocker for a Second Hour Program on December 20th at 11:30 to become more mindful of the way silence influences our care for the Earth.

Do not break the silence unless you can improve upon it.”

– William Ralph Inge.

We often mistakenly assume silence is the absence of sound and there is hardly ever a time that is so. It has been said that hearing is the last sense to die and so, we are encouraged to speak to those in a coma or near death. In this workshop we will explore silence in some of its varieties of uses and abuses. We will aim to become more mindful about how silence is functioning in our lives and effects our care for Earth.

Brad Stocker, Ed.D. was a professor at Miami Dade College. Brad served on the Council of the Earth Ethics Institute at the college for 20 years. He has a post- doctoral certificate in Ecology and Human Spirit and has been designing, developing, and teaching Earth Literacy workshops and courses since 1992. He is a member of Miami Friends Meeting and Quaker Earthcare Witness.

Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of North American Friends and other like-minded people who are taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world, emphasizing Quaker process and testimonies.

The Zoom link is

Brad encourages everyone interested in QEW to consider signing up for the following publications:

 BeFriending Creation. Quaker Earthcare Witness publishes a quarterly journal, BeFriending Creation, that reports and celebrates what Friends and Friends Meetings and organizations are doing and
saying about the global crisis in ecological sustainability. 

Click here to read BeFriending Creation.

 QEW Pamphlets for Sharing.  QEW has more than 30 trifold pamphlets on a wider-range of Earthcare-related issues. Download the full pamphlet or order printed versions from our

Communications Coordinator by emailing

There is no charge for pamphlets, but donations are encouraged to help cover printing costs and postage and handling

QEW Earthcare for Children Curriculum. We have recently updated our Earthcare for
Children curriculum for First Day schools. You can download the printable PDF or each individual chapter by clicking here.
 QEW Earthcare for Friends Curriculum. Click here to read our newly updated curriculum, Earthcare for Friends, a Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities.