January 23, 2023 6:45 – 8:00 pm EST
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 610 613 5191
Passcode: 721148
Or dial by your location:
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Please join the Midlands Group of the South Carolina Sierra Club for several
presentations about plutonium pit disposition, Waste Isolation Pilot Project
(WIPP) expansion and related concerns about plutonium pit production
Cindy Weehler, Co-Chair, 285 Alliance will talk about the increased transportation
risks uninformed residents will experience if WIPP (a site for plutonium waste
disposal in New Mexico), is expanded to hold more nuclear waste and she will
explain how the Department of Energy (DOE) is violating State and Federal Law
by changing the WIPP mission. She will also discuss the problem of surplus
plutonium disposition, especially powdered plutonium.

Tom Clements, from SRS Watch in Columbia, SC will discuss how the latest plans
by DOE relate to plutonium pit production. Savannah River Site (SRS) is a site for
plutonium disposition and “pit” (trigger) production for new nuclear weapons.
We will also hear an update from those who attended the in-person hearing about
plutonium disposition in North Augusta on January 19th.
There will be opportunities for questions and discussion during and after the
presentations. For additional questions, please contact scsierran@sierraclub.org.
We hope to see you there!