Interfaith Partners of South Carolina Announces New ChairFor Immediate ReleaseFebruary 15, 2023 Columbia, S.C.—Interfaith Partners of South Carolina announces the appointment of a new board chair, longtime member Holli S. Emore, M.Div. Holli succeeds previous Chair Cheryl G. Nail who served in the role for several years and was previously the vice-chair to Dr. Adrian Bird. Emore…
Category: blog
Environmental Justice Program, Part II
Real EJ Work: CASE STUDIES– Pathways, Not Projects” Monday, September 13, 2021from 6:45 till 8:00 PM on ZOOM! Join us for enlightening presentations of what EJ work looks like with our expert panel in 3 different regions of the state doing the real work of empowering solutions from within the communities for the long haul.Panelists…
Eliminate Nuclear Weapons!
Please consider adding your name to the letter to President Biden from the Sierra Club Nuclear Weapons Grassroots Team. When you click on the link, you will see an opportunity to add your name and comments as well as other actions you can take.The Biden administration is undergoing a Nuclear Posture Review process so it…
Spiritual Journey: Elaine
Columbia Friends have been hearing spiritual journeys of our members and attenders for several years as part of our Second Hour Programs. Telling spiritual journeys is somewhat of a Quaker tradition. The following blog is a good start in beginning to understand the benefits of this practice: Elaine, who is the Clerk of the Friend’s…