Dec. 10th Meeting for Business

At 10:00 on December 10 we will be Meeting for Worship, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour we will have out monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Please join in!

Dec 3rd Potluck Sunday

We will be Meeting for Worship on December 3 at 10:00, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. From the Building and Grounds Committee: We are experimenting with new seating arrangements in the worship room and have reoriented the center four…

Oct. 29th Quaker Scavenger Hunt

On October 29, there will be a shortened Meeting for Worship, from 10:00 to 10:30, both in person at the Meetinghouse and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: Then we are going to have an Autumn Event starting with a Quaker Scavenger Hunt and then several activities such as Apple Bobbing and…

Oct. 15th Worship

On October 15, at 10:00, we will be Meeting for Worship, virtually and in person. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour, Cassandra Fralix will make a presentation on “What People Really Want from Quaker Meeting,” inspired by the article in Friends Journal:

Midlands Group of Sierra Club

Program Part 2Presentation & Strategy Session:“Environmental Injustice in South Carolina, Awareness and Action” Join us on Monday, September 25 from 6:45 – 8:00 PM (Zoom link below) Reverend Leo Woodberry, who made a presentation last month about environmental justice issues in South Carolina such as battery factories, biomass generation, and gas pipelines in lower-wealth South Carolina neighborhoods   On…

Sept. 17th Quaker Testimony

On September 17 at 10:00 we will be Meeting for Worship, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour, Alice Wald will lead us in a discussion based on the Pendle Hill pamphlet entitled Quaker Testimony. There are…

Sept. 10th Attn to Business

We will be Meeting for Worship on September 10 at 10:00, in person and virtually. The zoom lin First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour we will have our monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Please join us!