We will be Meeting for Worship on December 3 at 10:00, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2934909472 First Day School will be available for Young Friends. From the Building and Grounds Committee: We are experimenting with new seating arrangements in the worship room and have reoriented the center four…
Category: Faith and Practice
Aug 19th Meditation for Beginners
Isha Kriya Research Study Isha Kriya Meditation found to reduce tension, anger, fatigue, confusion, and depression. Meditation has always been a go-to solution for those who seek to be more peaceful and joyful. A group of researchers who have experienced the impact that meditation has on their own lives and witnessed it in the lives…
Aiken Worship August 6th
Friends, we will meet virtually this First Day, using the Zoom link below. Worship in silence begins at 10 AM, followed by online fellowship at 11 o’clock. I hope to see everyone then. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87309017695 Peace and good health, Brenda
Religious Values in the West
On March 26, at 10:00, we will be Meeting for Worship, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2934909472 There will be First Day School for Young Friends, The Second Hour program will be “Changing Religious Values in the West” presented by Arnold Karr.
How Do We Think About Dealing with Conflict?
On March 19, we will have Meeting for Worship at 10:00, in person and virtually. The zoom link is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2934909472 First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour, we will have a worship sharing on “How Do We Think About Dealing With Conflict?”
New Director for Interfaith Partners of South Carolina
Interfaith Partners of South Carolina Announces New ChairFor Immediate ReleaseFebruary 15, 2023 Columbia, S.C.—Interfaith Partners of South Carolina announces the appointment of a new board chair, longtime member Holli S. Emore, M.Div. Holli succeeds previous Chair Cheryl G. Nail who served in the role for several years and was previously the vice-chair to Dr. Adrian Bird. Emore…
Multi- Faith Open House
Aiken Interfaith Partners will hold a Multi-Faith Open House on January 21. AIP is a group of representatives from local faith organizations with the goal of fostering understanding and cooperation by taking some of the mystery out of faiths other than one’s own. Participating houses of worship will open their doors to the public, allowing anyone to get…
FCNL Statement on Peace Testimony and the Ukraine
Quakers are a people who follow after peace, love and unity. Our peace testimony is ourwitness to the Truth as we experience it.Our testimony manifests as a cumulative set of actions, continually tested and added to overcenturies. These actions are diverse in form, but have been broadly united by: Refusal to kill, Relief of suffering,…
Savannah River Site Watch
Tom Clements’ organization, Savannah River Site Watch, proudly supported the big fundraising event on October 19, 2022 of the Transitions homeless shelter here in Columbia, SC. The event was held at the Columbia Museum of Art in downtown Cola. The “winter shelter,” which provides emergency overnight housing in the winter (when the forecast is below…
Seven Rules for Finding the Sacred
1. Move tenderly. The sacred is for the shy.2. Don’t go looking for it. When you are lost it will find you.3. Don’t try to own it. It belongs to no one, but to all.4. Give up any expectations. They are much too small5. Don’t bring any food for your hunger. You will be fed.6.…