31st Hiroshima Vigil/ Remembrance

PLEASE JOIN Columbia Friends Meeting and Carolina Peace Community on Friday, August 6th, from 7 to 8 pm at Columbia Friends Meeting (120 Pisgah Church Road 29203). We will remember the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to honor the hibakusha – the last remaining survivors of the explosions.  We will begin with silent, expectant worship in the manner of Quakers and then share as we are led.

In August people around the world hold vigils in memory of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to remember and to pledge never to use nuclear weapons again. Columbia Friends have held vigils since the early 1990’s when Rebecca (since deceased) and Harry Rogers organized silent vigils.

South Carolinians, we hope, will commemorate Hiroshima Day. Savannah River Site in the 1950’s began producing materials used in nuclear weapons. Not only have key explosive components of nuclear weapons been constructed here, but our state also has been a center for nuclear weapon and nuclear waste production. Currently, Savannah River Site is being planned as a factory to create nuclear triggers for more nuclear weapons.

This year, Columbia’s annual Hiroshima Day will remember the destruction caused by nuclear weapons, celebrate community, and pledge to walk together in peace.
