Plutonium Pits

August 8, “Prioritize Peace in the US Budget”; “No Plutonium Pits at SRS” will commemorate the 75th year of remembering victims of nuclear warfare, remind public of current plans to build plutonium triggers for nuclear weapons at Savannah River Site and support peace-building.

People around the world have held vigils in memory of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to remind the world of the horrors of nuclear weapons and to promote peace. Because of COVID-19, our 2020 Hiroshima Remembrance event will be a simple (socially-distancing) event, with banners and signs (“Prioritize Peace in the US Budget”; “No Plutonium Pits at SRS”) and a giant three-person origami peace crane.

South Carolinians have special reason to stand against nuclear weapons. Components of the atomic bomb were constructed here, and a recent proposal by the U.S. Department of Energy to expand production of plutonium “pits”- the core of all nuclear weapons- has direct consequences on the building of more nuclear weapons, which have health and environmental consequences.

Columbia’s annual Hiroshima Day vigil will remember the victims of nuclear warfare,
and provide information about the ongoing attempts to restart nuclear weapon production through the manufacturing of plutonium pits.

Who: The Columbia Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Carolina Peace Resource Center and peacemakers.

What: Hiroshima Day Remembrance: “Prioritize Peace in the US Budget”; “No Plutonium Pits at SRS”

What: Hiroshima Day Remembrance: “Prioritize Peace in the US Budget”; “No Plutonium Pits at SRS”

When: Saturday, August 8th, from 9 am – 11 am

Where: At the corner of Main Street and Blanding, just north of Soda City.

Contact: Harry Rogers, phone (803)-465-0325
David Matos, Director Carolina Peace Resource Center phone (803)215-3263

Plutonium Pit
Diagram showing the plutonium pits.