Quakers stress silent prayer, nonviolence, service Mark Hare Senior editor When the subject of his Quaker faith comes up in conversations with non-Quaker friends, there is some confusion, says Wolfgang “Wolf” Faust, 12, of Rochester. “They relate us to things like the Quaker Oats man,” says Wolf, who is a seventh-grader at McQuaid Jesuit High…
Category: Faith and Practice
Program Robert Barclay Apology
Notes for September 27, 2009 Program onA Brief Introduction toApology for the True Christian DivinitybyRobert Barclay
Response to Wallace Article in Friends Journal
Terry Wallace, in his article, “Misunderstanding Quaker Faith and Practice ” in Friends Journal, tried to correct what he sees as limitations of the unprogrammed Friends tradition, but I think he instead displayed a misunderstanding of the unprogrammed tradition, its opposition to creeds, its use of the Bible, and many other things.