SAYMA Subsidized Tickets

Tickets with promotion codes receive a 100% discount at check out. 


  • Children 12 and under 
    • attend SAYMA Sessions & Retreat free of charge.  Register for a child’s ticket package.
  • Young Adult Friends 
    • SAYMA attendance is free for Young Adult Friends [YAF]  through a bequest from the Suzane and Tom Kenworthy estate.  Use the promotion code SAYMAYAF.  For more information about YAFs see the Young Adult Friend entry below.
  • Friends of Color 
    • SAYMA attendancd is free through SAYMA as a symbol of reparative justice as we continue to work on the larger structural issues of racism in SAYMA. [Friends of Color may use the promotion code SAYMAFOC as they choose for the discount.]

Requesting a Scholarship

If you are affiliated with a monthly meeting 

Start by requesting a scholarship there because they know you best. Ask the clerk of your meeting or the Ministry & Nurture committee as soon as possible so they can work with you in a timely way. If you receive funding through a monthly meeting let the SAYMA administrative assistant ( know how much they will contribute toward your registration.  Once SAYMA receives notice from your monthly meeting, SAYMA can contribute whatever amount you still need.*