PLEASE NOTE THE DIFFERENT ZOOM LINK THIS WEEK. Many thanks to Fred Alger for providing our Zoom service!! As always, worship in silence begins at 10 AM, followed by fellowship at 11 o’clock. Meeting will be virtual only. Meeting ID: 849 3901 0101 Passcode: 208724 Aiken Friends are invited to join Carolina Friends School…
Category: Community News
Dec. 17th Quakers Respond to Holidays
On December 17 we will be Meeting for Worship at 10:00, in person and virtually. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends.During the Second Hour we will have a worship sharing on “ How We as Quakers Respond to the Holidays”.
Dec. 10th Meeting for Business
At 10:00 on December 10 we will be Meeting for Worship, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour we will have out monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Please join in!
Dec 3rd Potluck Sunday
We will be Meeting for Worship on December 3 at 10:00, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. From the Building and Grounds Committee: We are experimenting with new seating arrangements in the worship room and have reoriented the center four…
Nov. 12th Meeting for Business
We will be Meeting for Worship on November 12 at 10:00, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School is available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour, we will be Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Please join us to discuss matters of importance to our…
Elder Fraud Forum
Friends, Let’s gather for virtual meeting this Sunday morning. Worship in silence begins at 10 AM and fellowship follows at 11 o’clock. As always, we are indebted to Beth for our Zoom service and to Aaron for hosting. On Saturday, November 18, Aaron will speak for Quakers in a Thanksgiving program presented by Aiken…
Oct. 29th Quaker Scavenger Hunt
On October 29, there will be a shortened Meeting for Worship, from 10:00 to 10:30, both in person at the Meetinghouse and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: Then we are going to have an Autumn Event starting with a Quaker Scavenger Hunt and then several activities such as Apple Bobbing and…
Oct. 15th Worship
On October 15, at 10:00, we will be Meeting for Worship, virtually and in person. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour, Cassandra Fralix will make a presentation on “What People Really Want from Quaker Meeting,” inspired by the article in Friends Journal:
Oct. 8th Meeting For Worship
Please remember the Work Day this Saturday, October 7! On Sunday, October 8, there will be Meeting for Worship at 10:00, in person at the Meetinghouse and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour we will have our monthly Meeting…
Oct. 1st Potluck Sunday
We will be Meeting for Worship on October 1 at 10:00, in person and by way of zoom. The zoom link is: First Day School will be available for Young Friends. During the Second Hour we will have our monthly potluck lunch. Bring a dish to share if you’d like, but in any case…